Middle School Homework and Grading

Middle School Homework and Grading


  • Assessments: (tests, projects, quizzes, speaking and listening tests) - 50%

  • Homework: (homework turned in late will only receive partial credit) - 30%

  • Communication: (Presentational, Interpretive & Interpersonal forms) - 20%

At the end of the year all the students have to take a final and pass it with 80% or above to get into the next level.

There is no extra credit in any world language class.

Late Work Policy:

  • 1 class late = 80% credit

  • 2 classes late = 50% credit

  • 3 classes late = 0% credit

If you consistently turn in homework late, an individual action plan will be made.This plan may include a parent conference, lunch detention, receiving zeros for all late work or being removed from Spanish.

For excused absences, you have two class periods to turn in the work for full credit. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what work you missed. If you have an excused absence on a day we took a test, you have two study halls to make it up. You may not make up tests during lunch. This year, the Spanish teachers will periodically ask what your grade is in Infinite Campus (confidentially) so come to class prepared!